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On January 6, 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt challenged Congress to engage in WWII and support U.S. allies based upon four essential human freedoms: Freedom of Worship, Freedom of Speech, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear. Norman Rockwell painted these four freedoms and the collection promoted the sale of war bonds.


My goal is to create the Four Freedoms reflecting today’s challenges to our children’s freedoms and their future.  The first to be completed, ”Freedom of Worship” is a collage of my paintings of children,  photography, and more than 40 findings on the original Constitution. These portray the significance of our Judeo-Christian faith as crafted by our Founders, that are faithfully woven into the fabric of our Republic.

The Dream Keepers Collection

All works are the exclusive copyright of the artist. 
Images may not be used without permission.

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